April 11, 2008

Psalms 10 Thoughts

These words have convicted me.

Psalm 10:13

"Why has the wicked spurned God? He has said to himself, 'You will not require it.' "

and seperately,

Psalm 14:1a

"The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'

They are corrupt, they have commited abominable deeds;"

In my own life, I think recently I have not had a correct fear of God. There have been areas where I do not ponder the consequences of my actions in a heavenly sense.

I do not mean to call into question there are consequences of eternal value for the believer who sins, because we as believers, as those who repent, are saved by the grace of God. But for those who repeatedly do not obey the Word, do not repent, and begin to lose focus of who God is, are those saved? We need to have a consistent mindset of the Christian walk, of who God is, and what He said towards believers.

Back to my personal issue, these verses struck within me as I realized in some areas I have seperated God from my life. It seems like in those areas, I do not think of the consequences. These verses convict me to think about changing things to correct some of these notions.

Psalm 10:16-17

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