February 22, 2006

"Christian Exodus" to SC

Now here's an interesting article. There's a conservative group named "Christian Exodus" who are recruiting Christian conservatives to move to South Carolina, a state they picked because of their similar conservative, Christian ideals. By recruiting those to SC, they can hope to back Christian ideals and influence the regions laws to be more Christian-like. Very Interesting.
So far only 20 people have moved, but 1,200 have signed up on the website as intending to move to SC.

February 18, 2006

Turkey Trip #1 - Chicago

Very early this year, we had the opportunity to visit Turkey. One the way there, there was an 8-hr layover in Chicago so we decided to take a brief visit of the town of Chicago. We got to walk the streets a little (it was a very foggy day), eat some deep dish Chicago pizza, and visit Garrett's for delicious popcorn, some of the best ever.

Chicago's streets

Getting some pizza

The Sears Tower and the Old Water Tower

Riding the Subway