September 15, 2005

Time Management

I was reading a time management booklet at work on how to better manage time for business. They were some great quotes in there, a lot of them had biblical principles behind them. I hope they are as encouraging to you too.
"The enemy of the 'best' is often the 'good'. - Stephen Covey
How true. Sometimes we get caught in doing good things, that we don't take the time to really ponder what God wants us to do. His plans work out in better ways than we can ever think or plan. His plans are what's best, so we can't fill our schedule with what we think is best, even if they're great, good things.
"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least." - Goetne
We must always keep our core values first, our goals, our principles in place before we let other things push those aside.

1 comment:

shellyeve said...

thanks for your postings - they encourage me