January 20, 2006
Make Your Own PDFs Free
Here's a useful link I found. PDF Online. You can submit your own files and they automatically get encoded into a PDF format. You submit your file online and it will be emailed to you with 3-5 minutes. It works for Word, Pictures etc.
Brain Teaser From Japan
I've heard this is a brain teaser from Japan, it's used to test applicants about logical solving supposedly. It's tricky! It took me about 20 minutes to solve, and 20 minutes to figure it out again the next day because I'd forgotten! It's one of those sequence tests. Click on the blue dot to begin the test. Let me know how you did.
Objective: To get everyone across the river.
Everyone: Mother, 2 daugthers, Father, 2 sons, Policeman, Criminal
Rules of the Game:
Objective: To get everyone across the river.
Everyone: Mother, 2 daugthers, Father, 2 sons, Policeman, Criminal
Rules of the Game:
- Only 2 people at max can cross the river at the same time on the raft.
- Only the Father, Mother, and Policeman can operate the raft.
- The Criminal cannot stay with any member of the family without the Policeman.
- The Mother cannot stay with the sons without the Father's presence.
- The Father cannot stay with the daughters without the Mother's presence.
- That means left with a child of opposite gender, transporting a child, or arriving at the other side alone with a child.
- Click on the people to move them.
- Click on the red lever to move the raft.
It can be frustrating, I almost gave up, so it's ok. Have a good time!
Click Here to begin.
January 15, 2006
PALM SUNDAY - Martin Luther
John 12:12-19
All of this, I say, was announced and written about long ago by the prophet Zechariah, so that the Jews would never gawk and gape for a parade of worldly power, external pomp, and splendor. He will ride into Jerusalem in this humble manner, and will then weep over a city which did not accept him.
This was, of course, foretold beforehand also for us, and is preached to us year after year, so that we might learn the difference between Christ's kingdom and the kingdoms of the world, between our Christ-King and other earthly kings.
In His kingdom and by His Word Christ not only teaches us that we are poor lost sinners, condemned to death and in the devil's clutches, but also that through His death and blood, He has redeemed us from all sins, from death and the power of the devil, so that by faith in Him we are righteous and blessed forever. What wonderfully different teachings, wisdom, and insight this is compared with what is offered by human reason, legal experts, and the wise of this world - namely how to live here and now, managing house and home, acquiring goods, and protecting land and people. Even if we do live here a long, long time, finally and eventually we still have to depart and leave it all behind.
This is the reason why Christ entered Jerusalem as He did, without worldly pomp, meekly riding on a donkey. Thereby He not only wanted to fulfill the words of the prophet, but also to point out the manner and character of His kingdom, so that we may never be deluded into thinking that He came to earth to help us become rich and heap up treasure, when actually He came so that we might be delivered from sin, death, and the devil, and become truly rich in the life beyond. To sum up, this then was His true purpose in coming to earth, His kingdom's true nature and power and fruit, namely, that we may one day escape this wretched, mortal decaying existence and enter that happy, glorious, eternal life beyond.
It was just such a King that God promised through His prophets. Had God intended Him to be an earthly king, reigning in worldly fashion, there would have been no need for Him to be especially promised. Because God made a very particular promise about Him, there was no way He could have come as an ordinary king, ruling in the usual royal style. David and other kings reigned in that traditional manner, over territory and people, and thereby also gathered treasure. This King, however, is a very extraordinary King, especially promised by God; He set up a spiritual, eternal kingdom, over which He holds sway with unique power and might - His Word and the Holy Spirit.
But the Jews simply didn't want this kind of King - even though He came to them exactly as their prophet Zechariah had said: a righteous helper with eternal, heavenly blessing. ... they paid little attention.
We Christians, however, should get really well acquainted with this Christ-King, and place all our hope boldly in the life which is to come, where we will be forever happy, free of all sin and infirmity. It's for that reason that Christ came, and was crucified, died, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven to occupy His kingdom. That's how He overcame sin, death, and the devil for us, and by His blood and Holy Spirit swept us clean of all filth, so that all who believe in Him are righteous and blessed, and will someday pass through temporal death into His eternal, heavenly kingdom.
A Christian, you see, has not been baptized, so that he may collect treasure and get rich here on earth - all of which he can do as well without the gospel and baptism; instead he was baptized so that through Christ he may attain eternal life. To reach that life is why we should faithfully use the gospel and our baptism. I am a baptized Christian so that I may inherit and attain Christ's kingdom. And if I'm also blessed with possessions, I use these for my physical needs - certainly not to lift myself up into heaven!
We should, therefore, mark all the difference between Christ's kingdom and worldly powers, as He Himself clearly showed by His extraordinary entry into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, without a saddle, the animal a borrowed one at that! All of which made it crystal clear that He was in no way like the worldly rulers who have amassed a lot of treasure and property for the purpose of displaying worldly pomp and circumstance for their public appearances. Christ was no such earthly king; on the contrary, He is an eternal King, with an everlasting kingdom where one needs neither gold or silver, and yet will never suffer any want or need in all eternity.
After all, we must in the end depart and leave behind the goods of this earthly life; that should help us remember where we really want to be, namely with Christ, our eternal King. For if we accept Him here, that is, believe in Him and heed His gospel, He will also receive us over there, saying to us, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'
This, then, is what our dear Lord Jesus Christ meant to show by His entrance into Jerusalem, so that we might truly understand Him and His kingdom. On the left hand, as it were, we still live here in the kingdom of this world, but always on the right hand we reach forward and upward to His kingdom everlasting in the world to come. It was for that future life that we were baptized. May God grant us His grace so that we may joyously welcome and accept this King and remain with Him forever. Amen!
- excerpt Complete Sermons of Martin Luther 5:366-371
We call this day Palm Sunday - the day our dear Lord Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem, thereby fulfilling the word of the prophets who foretold that He would thus ride into the city on a donkey.
It could just as fittingly be called the day of Christ's triumphal entry.
All of this, I say, was announced and written about long ago by the prophet Zechariah, so that the Jews would never gawk and gape for a parade of worldly power, external pomp, and splendor. He will ride into Jerusalem in this humble manner, and will then weep over a city which did not accept him.
This was, of course, foretold beforehand also for us, and is preached to us year after year, so that we might learn the difference between Christ's kingdom and the kingdoms of the world, between our Christ-King and other earthly kings.
In His kingdom and by His Word Christ not only teaches us that we are poor lost sinners, condemned to death and in the devil's clutches, but also that through His death and blood, He has redeemed us from all sins, from death and the power of the devil, so that by faith in Him we are righteous and blessed forever. What wonderfully different teachings, wisdom, and insight this is compared with what is offered by human reason, legal experts, and the wise of this world - namely how to live here and now, managing house and home, acquiring goods, and protecting land and people. Even if we do live here a long, long time, finally and eventually we still have to depart and leave it all behind.
This is the reason why Christ entered Jerusalem as He did, without worldly pomp, meekly riding on a donkey. Thereby He not only wanted to fulfill the words of the prophet, but also to point out the manner and character of His kingdom, so that we may never be deluded into thinking that He came to earth to help us become rich and heap up treasure, when actually He came so that we might be delivered from sin, death, and the devil, and become truly rich in the life beyond. To sum up, this then was His true purpose in coming to earth, His kingdom's true nature and power and fruit, namely, that we may one day escape this wretched, mortal decaying existence and enter that happy, glorious, eternal life beyond.
It was just such a King that God promised through His prophets. Had God intended Him to be an earthly king, reigning in worldly fashion, there would have been no need for Him to be especially promised. Because God made a very particular promise about Him, there was no way He could have come as an ordinary king, ruling in the usual royal style. David and other kings reigned in that traditional manner, over territory and people, and thereby also gathered treasure. This King, however, is a very extraordinary King, especially promised by God; He set up a spiritual, eternal kingdom, over which He holds sway with unique power and might - His Word and the Holy Spirit.
But the Jews simply didn't want this kind of King - even though He came to them exactly as their prophet Zechariah had said: a righteous helper with eternal, heavenly blessing. ... they paid little attention.
We Christians, however, should get really well acquainted with this Christ-King, and place all our hope boldly in the life which is to come, where we will be forever happy, free of all sin and infirmity. It's for that reason that Christ came, and was crucified, died, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven to occupy His kingdom. That's how He overcame sin, death, and the devil for us, and by His blood and Holy Spirit swept us clean of all filth, so that all who believe in Him are righteous and blessed, and will someday pass through temporal death into His eternal, heavenly kingdom.
A Christian, you see, has not been baptized, so that he may collect treasure and get rich here on earth - all of which he can do as well without the gospel and baptism; instead he was baptized so that through Christ he may attain eternal life. To reach that life is why we should faithfully use the gospel and our baptism. I am a baptized Christian so that I may inherit and attain Christ's kingdom. And if I'm also blessed with possessions, I use these for my physical needs - certainly not to lift myself up into heaven!
We should, therefore, mark all the difference between Christ's kingdom and worldly powers, as He Himself clearly showed by His extraordinary entry into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, without a saddle, the animal a borrowed one at that! All of which made it crystal clear that He was in no way like the worldly rulers who have amassed a lot of treasure and property for the purpose of displaying worldly pomp and circumstance for their public appearances. Christ was no such earthly king; on the contrary, He is an eternal King, with an everlasting kingdom where one needs neither gold or silver, and yet will never suffer any want or need in all eternity.
After all, we must in the end depart and leave behind the goods of this earthly life; that should help us remember where we really want to be, namely with Christ, our eternal King. For if we accept Him here, that is, believe in Him and heed His gospel, He will also receive us over there, saying to us, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'
This, then, is what our dear Lord Jesus Christ meant to show by His entrance into Jerusalem, so that we might truly understand Him and His kingdom. On the left hand, as it were, we still live here in the kingdom of this world, but always on the right hand we reach forward and upward to His kingdom everlasting in the world to come. It was for that future life that we were baptized. May God grant us His grace so that we may joyously welcome and accept this King and remain with Him forever. Amen!
- excerpt Complete Sermons of Martin Luther 5:366-371
January 14, 2006
God Enjoyed
Thou incomprehensible but prayer-hearing God,
Known, but beyond knowledge, revealed, but unrevealed,
my wants and welfare draw me to thee, for thous has never said, 'Seek ye me in vain'.
To thee I come in my difficulties, necessities, distresses;
possess me with thyself,
with a spirit of grace and supplication, with a prayerful attitude of mind,
with access into warmth of fellowship,
so that in the ordinary concerns of life my thoughts and desires may rise to thee,
and in habitual devotion I may find a resource
that will soothe my sorrows, sanctify my successes,
and qualify me in all ways for dealings with my fellow men.
I bless thee that thou hast made me capable
of knowing thee, the author of all being,
of resembling thee, the perfection of all excellency,
of enjoying thee, the source of all happiness.
O God, attend me in every part of my arduous and trying pilgrimage;
I need the same counsel, defence, comfort I found at my beginning.
Let my religion be more obvious to my conscience, more perceptible to those around.
While Jesus is representing me in heaven, may I reflect him on earth,
While he pleads my cause, may I show forth his praise.
Continue the gentleness of thy goodness towards me,
And whether I wake or sleep, let thy presence go with me, thy blessing attend me.
Thou has led me on and I have found thy promises true,
I have been sorrowful, but thou hast been my help,
fearful, but thou hast delivered me,
despairing, but thou hast lifted me up.
Thy vows are ever upon me, and I praise thee, O God.
- The Valley of Vision
Known, but beyond knowledge, revealed, but unrevealed,
my wants and welfare draw me to thee, for thous has never said, 'Seek ye me in vain'.
To thee I come in my difficulties, necessities, distresses;
possess me with thyself,
with a spirit of grace and supplication, with a prayerful attitude of mind,
with access into warmth of fellowship,
so that in the ordinary concerns of life my thoughts and desires may rise to thee,
and in habitual devotion I may find a resource
that will soothe my sorrows, sanctify my successes,
and qualify me in all ways for dealings with my fellow men.
I bless thee that thou hast made me capable
of knowing thee, the author of all being,
of resembling thee, the perfection of all excellency,
of enjoying thee, the source of all happiness.
O God, attend me in every part of my arduous and trying pilgrimage;
I need the same counsel, defence, comfort I found at my beginning.
Let my religion be more obvious to my conscience, more perceptible to those around.
While Jesus is representing me in heaven, may I reflect him on earth,
While he pleads my cause, may I show forth his praise.
Continue the gentleness of thy goodness towards me,
And whether I wake or sleep, let thy presence go with me, thy blessing attend me.
Thou has led me on and I have found thy promises true,
I have been sorrowful, but thou hast been my help,
fearful, but thou hast delivered me,
despairing, but thou hast lifted me up.
Thy vows are ever upon me, and I praise thee, O God.
- The Valley of Vision
January 13, 2006
Some 'Cross Centered' Principles
- "We never move on from the cross, only into a more prolonged understanding of the cross." - David Prior
- "The message of the cross is the Christian's hope, confidence, and assurance."
- "The Spirit does not take his pupils beyond the cross, but even more deeper into it." - J.Knox Chamberlain
In Mahaney's writings, he encourages to always remember the cross, never move on from it. 'The cross is still at the center." "The gospel isn't one class among many that you'll attend during your life as a Christian - the gospel is the whole building that all classes take place in!" It is our foundation in Christian life, we can never truly move on from it, if we do our whole structure of life would collapse. "This book talks so much about what it takes to keep the gospel central." In his book, He attacks 3 world views that draw our hearts away from keeping the gospel central, they are:
- "Legalism, which means basing our relationship with God our own performance."
- "Condemnation, which means being more focused on our sin than on God's grace."
- "Subjectivism, which means basing our view of God on our changing feelings and emotions."
We have to know and preach the gospel to ourselves to move past these world views, and keep it central. Ways we can get better at this is: memorize, pray, sing, reviews its changing effect, and study the gospel.
"Every day of our Christian experience," writes Jerry Bridges, "should be a day of relating to God on the basis of His grace alone. We are not only saved by grace, but we also live by grace every day."
May the truth that saved you always be the dearest truth of your life. As Martin Luther reportedly said, "I feel as if Jesus had died only yesterday." May the reality of Christ's death for you be that near your heart.
Never move on from it.
Jesus died for your sins. May your every day be live by His grace alone. May you know the joy and peace of the cross centered life.
"Every day of our Christian experience," writes Jerry Bridges, "should be a day of relating to God on the basis of His grace alone. We are not only saved by grace, but we also live by grace every day."
May the truth that saved you always be the dearest truth of your life. As Martin Luther reportedly said, "I feel as if Jesus had died only yesterday." May the reality of Christ's death for you be that near your heart.
Never move on from it.
Jesus died for your sins. May your every day be live by His grace alone. May you know the joy and peace of the cross centered life.
January 11, 2006
Store Wars
January 10, 2006
Organize your Projects
A cool site I came across was www.backpackit.com. This site allows you to set up your own web pages to organize projects, create to-do lists, post notes, post files and pictures (well, these two you have to pay for) all together. It's would be ideal for school projects because multiple people can access it and check off or post notes. Or to-do list to remind yourself things. You'll have to check out the site, the have a lot more great examples of what you can do.

January 09, 2006
A Good Read
Another book that I really recommend is C.J. Mahaney's 'The Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the Main Thing'. A good friend of ours gave this to Meg and I during our engagement. We actually read this together on our honeymoon too. It's been a really great reminder of how important the gospel is in our lives. The most important thing. And how we need to come back to this central point in our lives continually. I just picked it up again tonite and was re-reading a couple parts of finishing a couple last sections. It's a good read.
2 Corinthians 5:21 - "For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."
Praise Jesus!
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