July 24, 2005

Delayed Writings

Sorry for the delay in returning to the post, but a lot has been happening over the past couple months. I transistioned to my new position with Sherwin-Williams, and am constantly learning new things every day. It's a transistion working full-time and juggling what was on my plate in less time, but I really praise God for this position and the financial stability it brings and for the future. Also below, I now have a fiance too, it's been a sweet time preparing for that moment of proposal and now for the moment of engagement, heading and planning towards our marriage. Hopefully I will be able to post more and post pictures of some of the events of the past couple months.

Happy News!

I would just like to announce to you all that this weekend, Meg Madden and I got engaged. We were in Washington DC visiting a friend and away for a little mini-vacation. It was the perfect opportunity for a suprise. We had a peaceful picnic right near the Jefferson Memorial, and then I proposed, asking her to be my wife. Such a sweet weekend, and I had a hard time keeping it under wraps and containing my excitement.