December 26, 2005
The Mover
between my receivings and my deservings,
between the state that I am now in and my past gracelessness,
between the heaven I am bound for and the hell I merit.
Who made me to differ, but thee?
for I was no more ready to receive Christ than were others;
I could not have begun to love thee hadst thou not first loved me,
or been willing unless thou hadst first made me so.
Let 'wrath deserved' be written on the door of hell,
But 'the free gift of grace' on the gate of heaven.
- excerpts from 'The Valley of Vision'
Christmas 'Break' Readings
"But they refused to pay attention and turned a stubborn shoulder and stopped their ears from hearing. They have made their hearts like flint so that they could not hear the law and the words whcih the Lord of hosts had sent by His Spirit through the former prophets; therefore the great wrath came from the Lord of hosts." - Zechariah 7:11-12A text that reminds me of being a sinner. These words were written by Zechariah the prophet warning people of who they are serving and what has been going on.
"Thus says the Lord of hosts, 'Behold, I am going to save My people from the land of the east and from the land of the west; and I will bring them and they will live in the midst of Jerusalem; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God in truth and righteousness.' " - Zechariah 8:7-8A text of hope and promise of the Lord.
" ' A son honors father, and a servanth His master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?' says the Lord of hosts" - Malachi 1:6Another text of warning to the rebellious people. Malachi 1:8-9 has a similar warning, with the example that if you're able to give the best to your governor to please him, why are you giving poor offering to your God. Later in the book, even during judgement and warning, Malachi 2:14-16 shows us the Lord's value of marriage, He as a witness of the covenant and the Spirit as 'binder'. " 'For I hate divorce (sending away),' says the Lord." That was really neat to learn glean from the passage, although the overall theme of the book is not towards marriage.
Some Christmas Bounty

C.S. Lewis - The Four Loves

C.S. Lewis - The Great Divorce

Jerry Bridges - The Gospel for Real Life

Randy Alcorn - The Grace and Truth Paradox

Jerry Bridges - The Discipline of Grace
December 22, 2005
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
The Disappearing Doctrine of Hell
Eric Stoddart, a lecturer in practical theology at St Andrews University, surveyed 750 randomly selected clergy and found that 37% believed in hell, although this was more marked in the Highlands and Western Isles, where conservative, Presbyterian congregations predominate.
"The doctrine of hell is downplayed by most of today's churches even by those who still believe in it. It isn't viewed as very politically correct even by a new generation of more theologically conservative ministers," said Dr Stoddart, who commented that there was a conspiracy of silence on the subject.
Look at this fascinating section of the article:
Dr Stoddart is interested in how belief in hell affects everyday life and is keen to hear from ordinary Christians as well. He said: "I'm interested in how people handle their belief in hell. If you believe (or are told you should believe) your grandmother is going to hell because she is not a Christian, how do you deal with that? Do you dehumanise her or psychologically distance yourself in order to accept her fate? How is it possible to go about daily life while believing that a loved-one has entered eternal suffering? When most hell-believing Christians are likely to encounter the death of 'non-Christian' loved-ones it is striking that it is a subject rarely tackled. No one talksabout this aspect. There is something of a conspiracy of silence."
I concluded that the pain that arises from believing in hell whilst suspecting that your loved-ones might already be there is something that churches fail to recognise. There's something of a conspiracy of silence when it comes to acknowledging that it might apply to real, actual people rather than just an anonymous group called 'the lost'.
A very good article to compliment this is one of John Piper's on
'Dorothy Sayers on Why Hell in Non-Negotiable'
Comment: Is this the same St. Andrews that PCM read about in 'St. Andrew's Seven' this summer in our missions Bible study?
December 16, 2005
The Chronicles of Narnia
It's hard when everyone has seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and how well done those movies were done. The LOTR series had such excellent detail, imagery, and direction, it was an awesome series really. Well, I'm not saying Narnia doesn't have any of this, it's hard to hold up to that series. Maybe that's the problem, it may be 'Lord of the Rings Lite', but it really is probably directed to a different genre or audience.
It is toned down, you notice there will be no blood, even for the great sacrifice. (* I'm being vague to not ruin any storylines intentionally). The children are the main story line, even if they are going to battle later in the film.
The allusions that some of the things in the film holds, they can be very powerful. Edmund's treason and betrayal. Aslan and his actions. I think the being of Aslan was just very powerful, the respect to he was on film and Who is portraying. And what Aslan does, wow.
It was definitely worth seeing, but as a film, won't take the place of LOTR for me. But some of those moments in Narnia are just chilling due to imagery it holds and the power of the imagery.
A Link to the Movie site:
December 08, 2005
Wedding Announcement

Megan Ashleigh Madden and Joshua Lee Blinson were married October 22, 2005, at Providence Baptist Church in Raleigh. Reverend Chip Bugnar officiated their ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Madden of Apex. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hilsinger of Kinston, and Mrs. Kiyoko Madden of Holly Springs and the late Mr. Madden.
Parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Mel Blinson of Raleigh. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Sharp of Raleigh, and Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Blinson of Raleigh.
The couple will live in Raleigh, having completed their honeymoon to Topsail Island.
* sorry for the delay, this is 'official' unofficial announcement *
November 24, 2005
Spice Shower Pictures
November 22, 2005
Wedding Pictures - The Beginning
November 21, 2005
Streams of Mercy
Religion without any consciousness of guilt is a false religion. If I come to Jesus Christ without any confession of guilt, simply to gain some benefit, I still have woe upon me, as did the Pharisees before me! But if my guilt drives me to Jesus, than I have my guilt taken from me and I find mercy. Oh, the mercy of God! We sing about the mercy of God, and I hope we know what we are singing about: 'O depths of mercy, can it be, that gate is left ajar for me.'
If God could not extend us His mercy and grace, and treated us exactly as we deserved, there would be only one course for Him to follow. God would have to turn an angered face to us in life and He would have to turn His back to us in death. That would happen to the best human beings that ever lived, if we should only receive what we deserve.
But, oh, the grace of God! God through the plan of salvation in Jesus Christ will go beyond our merits, beyond that which we deserve. Even if our sins have been like a mountain, it is the grace of God that assures our forgiveness. There is cleansing for the defiled, gracious and satisfying cleansing - a beautiful element in Christianity as revealed by the Lord Himself, and not just abstract theology.
- A.W. Tozer
Pictures Coming Soon
November 02, 2005
The Catch-Up
October 14, 2005
Absolute Heresy
THE hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually true.
The Catholic bishops of England, Wales and Scotland are warning their five million worshippers, as well as any others drawn to the study of scripture, that they should not expect “total accuracy” from the Bible.
“We should not expect to find in Scripture full scientific accuracy or complete historical precision,” they say in The Gift of Scripture.
The bishops acknowledge their debt to biblical scholars. They say the Bible must be approached in the knowledge that it is “God’s word expressed in human language” and that proper acknowledgement should be given both to the word of
God and its human dimensions.
The Bible is true in passages relating to human salvation, they say, but continue: “We should not expect total accuracy from the Bible in other, secular matters.”
They say the Church must offer the gospel in ways “appropriate to changing times, intelligible and attractive to our contemporaries”.
Here's a link to the website. Click Here.
October 12, 2005
More Time Management
Procrastination may represent a failure to identify and to act in congruence with your own basic values. - Dr. William Knaus
Unwillingness to say No: Recognize the pain of saying YES is becoming greater than the pain of saying NO.
A Counter !?!
September 15, 2005
Time Management
"The enemy of the 'best' is often the 'good'. - Stephen CoveyHow true. Sometimes we get caught in doing good things, that we don't take the time to really ponder what God wants us to do. His plans work out in better ways than we can ever think or plan. His plans are what's best, so we can't fill our schedule with what we think is best, even if they're great, good things.
"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least." - GoetneWe must always keep our core values first, our goals, our principles in place before we let other things push those aside.
August 30, 2005
On Christ's Care
Therefore, we should expect from Christ all love, kindness, comfort, salvation, and encouragement, and call on Him in perils of fire, perils of water, in death, and in all assaults on your faith. For He is also the only Cornerstone, to whom we should hold in all our troubles."
The Complete Sermons of Martin Luther - 6: 55
August 14, 2005
Seven Issues with the church's current evanglestic state.
- Sunday School has lost its' priority. The importance of the small groups and the small groups specifically reaching specific people. (86% of people that go to Sunday school will be invovled in the church 5 years later as compared to 17% of those not in Sunday school being involved in the church.
- The uninvited 81%. Of the unchurched, 81% haven't been invited to church ONE time.
- Failure to grasp the '4-legged stool'. Of keeping people in church, we aren't encouraging these aspects enough: expectations, ministry invovlement, small groups, relationships.
- The interested unchurched person. Of those that hadn't been invited to church, 84% would say yes they would come to church if invited, as long as you would come with them through the doors.
- Failure of members to develop meaningful relationships with the lost.
- Lack of intentionality in evangelism.
- Theological beliefs that diminish evangelistic passion. Christ is the ONLY way for salvation and to be excluded from condemnation. Also, we need to cling to the gospel, not this life.
- notes from Thom Rainer, Providence Baptist Church 8/14/2005
August 13, 2005
The Effect of Universalism on Missions
The Engaged Couple
August 09, 2005
All I Need
that supplications are never in vain,
that if I seem not to obtain my petitions
I shall have larger, richer answers,
surpassing all that I ask or think.
Unsought, thou has given me
the greatest gift, the person of thy Son,
and in Him thou wilt give me all I need.
Valley of Vision - The Prayer of Love (pg. 271)
July 24, 2005
Delayed Writings
Happy News!
May 24, 2005
the Building of the Church
'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.' - Matthew 28:18-19
These two verses point out a lot about the sovereignty of God and the importance / His care for the church.
God's Workings at Work
May 11, 2005
The Happiness of God
If God were not infinitely devoted to the preservation, display, and enjoyment of His own glory, we could have no hope of finding happiness in Him. But if He does in fact employ all His sovereign power and infinite wisdom to maximize the enjoyment of His own glory, then we have a foudnation on which to stand and rejoice.'
- J.Piper - Desiring God (pg. 33)
May 09, 2005
Then Let All My Pleasures Tell
And drink with me the waters from
The Fountain of delights whom we
Call Christ, and that we taste and see
The fullness of his Father's joy
Which none can make and none destroy;
And that we take from his right hand
Eternal pleasures he has planned
For those who love him more than all
His gifts, and gladly leave the small
And fleeting pleasures of this earth
To savor God and all he's worth.
His goodness shines with brightest rays
When we delight in all his ways.
His glory overflows its rim
When we are satisfied in him.
His radiance will fill the earth
When people revel in his worth.
The beauty of God's holy fire
Burns brightest in the heart's desire.
- J.Piper - Desiring God
Praising God
- C.S. Lewis - Reflections on the Psalms
- J.Piper - Desiring God
May 03, 2005
A New Job ?
April 28, 2005
Remember the Word - Authorial Intent of 2 Peter
- Through the true knowledge of Him, we can see that His divine power has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness. (1:3) Where can we find the true knowledge?
- "He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of divine nature." (1:4) Where can we find the promises? In His Word.
- In the section 1:12-15, Peter explains that he wants to constantly remind them of the truth, so that they will be diligent to call it to mind.
- In the section 1:16-21, Peter reveals the authority of the writers of the Word, the eyewitnesses of His majesty and the prophetic word. Verse 21 says, "for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."
- Peter sounds the alarm against the false prophet and teachers in chapter 2. They "will secretly introduce destructive heresies" (2:1) and "because of them the way of truth will be maligned;" (2:2) and that "they will exploit with false words;" (2:3). Peter explains the severity of these actions in 2:3, "their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep."
- Peter uses 4 Old Testament proofs and examples in regard to the false teachers in chapter 2. Three are specifically examples of 'the LORD knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.' (2:9) 1] "God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast into hell." (2:4) 2] God "did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah". (2:5) 3] "He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly thereafter;" (2:6) and "He rescued righteous Lot". (2:7) The other is an example of the false teachers following the way of Balaam. (2:15-16)
- In chapter 3, verses 1-2 tell us that Peter is stirring them by way of reminder to remember the words.
- Mocker will come saying "Where is the promise of His coming? ... all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation." (3:4) Peter refutes this by using the Word - "it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water." These 'teachers' didn't know their Word well enough to perceive these things or they choose not remember the Word.
- "According to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth." (3:13)
- Peter introduces the value and high regard to Paul's work in 3:15-16 - "just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters," "which the untaught and unstable distort [some things Paul has written] as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
- Again, 3:17-18 tells them to be on guard so they will not be deceived in a manner that leads to destruction but to grow in grace and knowledge.
Check out all of 2 Peter and study it on your own to gain insight from this awesome, powerful book. Figure out the author's intent from the word, which means more than my words. I encourage you to diligently study the word. Let me know what you think and your opinions (shaped through the word).
To Not Be Afraid
J.Piper - Pierced by the Word
April 26, 2005
Experiencing God's Love
- Look to Jesus. Consider Christ. Meditate on His glory and His work, not just casually, but intentionally. Think about the promises He made and guaranteed by His death and resurrection.
- Pray that God would open your eyes to the wonder of His love in these things.
- Renounce all known attitudes and behaviors that contradict this demonstration of love to you.
- Then enjoy the experience of the love of God poured out in your heart by the Holy Spirit.
Father, incline our hearts to see the
beauty of Christ and to embrace it with joy.
Grant that we would behold and believe -
that we would see and savor.
May our minds lay hold on the content of faith,
and our hearts receive it with the affection of faith.
Cause Your love to flow like a river through our souls.
May we not just know about it,
but experience the reality of it, to the glory of Christ.
In His name. Amen.
J.Piper - Pierced by the Word.
April 24, 2005
To Glorify God
- D.Horner 4/24/05
April 23, 2005
Events Galore
April 19, 2005
'The World Is Run by Tired Men'
J.Oswald Sanders - Spiritual Leadership
April 18, 2005
A Concept Misunderstood
Dr. Nelson, talk on Doctrine of the Trinity, Acts Forum 4/17/05
April 14, 2005
The Inadequacy of "Instant Christianity"
A.W. Tozer - excerpts from "That Incredible Christian"
Mercy and Justice
J.Piper - Pierced by the Word
April 13, 2005
To Accept or to Deny Christ
- C.S. Lewis
April 12, 2005
Is TV Too Big a Part of Life?
It seldom inspires great thoughts or great feelings with glimpses of great Truth. God is the great, absolute, all-shaping Reality.'
J.Piper - Pierced by the Word
April 11, 2005
New Heavens & New Earth - A Home of Righteousness
T.Schreiner, New American Commenatary, 1, 2 Peter, Jude
on 2 Peter 3:13
April 10, 2005
'Restored by God, {yet} Relying on Men'
- Performance-based Acceptance.
- We often care too much about what others think or say about us, and that guides our decisions. We often approve people for what they can do for us. - 'We often have an attitude based on the opinions on what others did, not on what Christ did.'
- For example, this person did this to me, so I can do that back and not show grace like Christ. I have a right to stay upset at them... Wrong. - We tend to rely on our capabilites, not the capabilites of God.
D.Horner, 4/10/05, 'Restored by God, Relying on Men'
Check out outline link, middle of page.
Road Trip - Beach

April 09, 2005
To Martin Luther, an extra load of duties was reason enough to pray more, not less. Hear his plans for the next day's work: "Work, work from early till late. In fact I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer."
The praying Christian wields no personal power and authority, but authority delegated by the victorious Christ to whom that faithful believer is united by faith.
"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit" - Ephesians 6:18a'
J.Oswald Sanders - Spiritual Leadership
I was hiding away from myself, away from you
Like nothing, though something was terribly wrong
And I admit that I was only waiting for the right time
Night time, the right moment for you to look away
Though you never did, I pretended for a while
So I could walk where I don't belong
And I remember every word you said
Come back in time, come back
And I remember I would soon be dead
Now so pitiful, so pitiful
But I know, as I hammered those nails into your beautiful hands
Your eyes still try to search for mine, but I look away
Now your eyes are the only thing that can save me
I'm so afraid of them piercing
You're breaking into my prison.
Just pretend for a while
My soul is dying
I won't look away
And I remember every word you said...
I'll remember every word you said
This time I won't look away
Blindside - Pitiful
April 07, 2005
Luther: Loving your Neighbor
‘He who would be a saint so stern and selfish as to endure no evil words or acts, and to excuse no imperfections, is unfit to dwell among men. He knows nothing of Christian love...' (4.1: 315)
‘He who truly loves will be distressed that a beloved neighbor wickedly trespasses against God and himself.’ (4.1: 321)
‘Sincere love makes a clear distinction between the evil and the person; it is unfriendly to the former, but kind to the latter.’ (4.1: 321)
- Martin Luther
the Complete Sermons of Martin Luther
Luther: Look at Christ's Example
- Martin Lutherthe Complete Sermons of Martin Luther (4.1: 259)
on 1 Peter 2:21-25
April 06, 2005
Luther: Why Be Troubled At Suffering?
- Martin Lutherthe Complete Sermons of Martin Luther (4.1: 252-253)
on 1 Peter 2:21-25